zaterdag 19 februari 2011

Wie is Tareq al-Bishri die de Grondwet van Egypte herziet?

Tareq al-Bishri (afbeelding) is de man die leiding geeft aan de hervorming van de Grondwet van Egypte. Over een paar dagen moet hij met zijn team met een voorstel komen. Voor wie over deze man wat meer wil weten en wil zien waarom de Grondwet onder zijn leiding geen seculiere Grondwet zal worden, hier een paar Engelstalige artikelen over de man:

al-Jama'a al-wataniyya: al-'uzla wa al-indimaj (The National Group: Isolation and Integration), Tariq al-Bishri, Cairo: Kitab al-hilal, April 2005. pp. 286)

A popular topos among historians of Egypt correlates the power of the church with the power of the state: in periods with a strong (read authoritarian) central government, the Egyptian Church is usually characterised by a strong, "patriarchal" administration. Conversely, periods of political decentralisation often witness plurality within the Church administration, allowing a broader role for Coptic notables in managing the affairs of their community. Church administration thus doubles that of the state. This maxim comes strongly to mind as one reads through Tariq al-Bishri's latest publication. LEES HIER VERDER

Thinking About Law, Morality, and Religion in the Story of Egyptian Modernization, by Talal Asad in JISMOR 1, special issue.

In his book The Islamic Shari’a and Positive Law, the eminent Egyptian jurist Tariq al-Bishri complains that in Egypt there now exists an unfortunate disjunction between legal rules and moral rules, in the sense that while the legitimacy of the former has come to Egypt recently from abroad in the shape of positive law, the latter has remained continuously bound up in people’s everyday lives with Islam. However, he does not address the nature of the disjunction. Nor does he discuss the fact that for secularists a separation between law and ethics is no unfortunate accident but a necessary move in the making of a freer society. The law, secularists argue, cannot properly impose virtuous behavior on individuals, both because such an attempt is practically diffi cult and because it negates the very essence of ethics. HIER DE PDF

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