Your Excellency, Mr Kazem Gharibabadi
Sir, I understand that your court of justice has sentenced Mrs Zahra Bahrami, 45 years old and mother of 2 children, to death by hanging. Mrs Bahrami is a passport holder of The Netherlands; I am sure you are aware of this. May I urge you, by the mercy of Allah, to do all that is in your power to convince your authorities in Iran to not implement this sentence?
It would be much better if she was evicted and never again allowed into Iran. Better for Mrs Bahrami, and better for the image of Iran in The Netherlands.
With respect
Rev Dr Jos M. Strengholt
2 opmerkingen:
Jos, ik heb 'm gekopieerd en (met mijn naam eronder) ook verstuurd aan de Iraanse ambassadeur.
Dank voor het voorbeeld!
Zo'n briefje zal weinig indruk maken op de duivelse islam gekken die daar aan de macht zijn.
Lees fff wat Afshin Ellian er over zegt in elsevier
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